Speed up your thumbnail editing with the best thumbnail assets collection on the whole internet. Seriously.
Premium Design Assets for Professional Thumbnails Creation
What Our Customers Say

Ike Design
Thumbnails+ contains a lot of helpful assets that will make designing easier for people of any skill level. It's well organized and everything is clearly put together by a pro. Strongly recommend!

Great lazer assets - good job! I love how detailed all the assets are overall.

There are often some rare assets which you use over and over again, guess what? Thumbnails+ has multiple such assets which you can use over and over again for a one time payment. Real Timesaver.

The pack has pretty much anything you could ask for in terms of assets, everything being top top quality. 100% worth the investment, whatever type of thumbnails you're going to make.

Bought it yesterday and its 100% worth the price. 🙏

I have bought a lot of packs, but I liked this one in particular because there are a lot of people who say “high quality assets” and then you have to upscale them to make high quality. Here I didn’t have that problem.

Exactly what I’ve been looking for thanks!

Hey Joseph, I've been using your assets for a year now and it helps me alot to make my work fast and always on trend. 👍

Honestly, best investment.

The industry standard, buy it now.

Best Investment as a thumbnail designer.

Very helpful assets.
Pay once, use forever
Thumbnails+ is a one-time purchase. You get all the future updates for free.
Thumbnails Mini
It's exactly what it sounds like—a free, smaller version of Thumbnails+ for you to try out before the purchase.
16 Backgrounds, 11 Gold Gradients, 10 FX Overlays and 2 PS Actions
Thumbnails+ Updates & Full List
See the full list and count of all Thumbnails+ assets as they’re updated over time.
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v.2.1 — Nov 25, 2024
FX Overlays
Fire 22
Lasers 24
Sparks 19
Light 30 (now available as standalone images, still included in the Pinboard .psd file)
Thumbnails Mini
Fire 3
Lasers 2
Sparks 4
v.2 — Aug 31, 2024
Pinboard thumbnail generator (.psd)
Templates 3
Overlays 30
Sticky notes 3
Tapes 15
Red lines 6
Image placeholders 20
Center text placeholders 6
Board backgrounds 6
Main frames 8
Pins 4
Project files (.psd)
Complete thumbnail project files 3
Assets (.psd)
Graphs 12 → 40 (every graph point is fully customizable now)
UI elements 11 → 16
3D floating icons 1 → 2
Monk Mode icon 1
Other assets
Arrows (.svg) → (.png)
Custom backgrounds (.jpg) 41 → 119
Red X (.png) 1
Green checkmark (.png) 1
Prohibition sign (.png) 2
Cardboard boxes (.png) 3
Whiteboard (.png) 2
Warning sign (.png) 2
Wooden crate (.png) 4
Actions (.atn) 4 → 5
Gradients (.grd) 111 → 112
v.1 — Dec 31, 2023
Real-life environments generator (.psd)
Foregrounds 28
Background 23
Clouds 10
Sky gradients 4
Assets (.psd)
UI elements 11
Graphs 12
Cash 6
Mockups 5
Tier lists 2
Prison scene 1
3D floating icons 1
Other Assets
Custom backgrounds (.jpg) 41
Arrows (.svg) 30
Brush strokes (.png) 20
Torn paper dividers (.png) 5
Gradients (.grd) 111
Brushes (.abr) 13
Patterns (.pat) 6
Actions (.atn) 4
Layer styles (.asl) 4
Thumbnails Mini
Custom backgrounds (.jpg) 10
Gold gradients (.grd) 10
Actions (.atn) 2